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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Power of Positive Thinking Tip #2

Do you want to have a great year? Start by believing that you are going to have one! Here is a tip to help you think positively.

Tip #2 of  4


1.       First you have to believe that you can do it. It is only when you believe that things start to become possible.

2.       Visualize the positive outcome in your head – for example, you are going to speak in public. Think of yourself delivering a rousing speech, and imagine the applause of the audience.

3.       Do the necessary work – the vision of success is the best motivation for you to do the preparation. For public speaking, research well, make small note cards, practice in front of your family, and take their opinions constructively. When you expect the best, it follows that you will do all the means necessary to see it through.

4.       Always remember that “attitude is more important than facts” – the odds may be stacked against you, but level this off by something within your power – a winning attitude. Champion cyclist Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with advanced testicular cancer and was told by his doctors that he could be cursed and ride his bike competitively again. So he chose a more aggressive form of chemotherapy to save his lungs and legs. A year later, he was pronounced healthy and later on he went on to win the grueling Tour de France seven times in a row. Finally he turned his adversity into inspiration by coming up with a yellow Live Strong bands that helped raise money for cancer awareness.

Excerpt from

Mabuhay (January 2006)

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